Air dry clay is so much fun to play with, and so versatile too! This Air Dry Clay Rainbow Earring Holder is the perfect craft if you’re new to air dry clay, and it’s also a very pretty way to display your earrings 🙂

What You Need:
Air Dry Clay (I’m using terracotta coloured clay as there was no white to be found, but please feel free to use white if you can find it!)
Clay working tools such as a rolling pin, a small plate, a pen knife, a compass, and a skewer.
Acrylic Paint
PVA Glue
First, roll out your clay on a piece of baking paper (this will make sure it doesn’t stick to your surface). I find it really helpful to have a couple of stirring sticks that are taped together on either side of the clay as shown – this will help you roll out the clay to an even width. If you find your clay sticking to your rolling pin, pick up and rework in your hands to dry it out, or place another piece of baking paper on top and roll to remove any excess moisture.
Now, use a small plate (I used a tea cup plate) to cut out a semi circle shape.
Clean up the bottom and make sure it’s perfectly level. Using the compass, score the lines of the rainbow. I left about 1.5cm gap between each line. Use the end of a paintbrush or a wooden skewer to carve deeper lines.
If you need to clean up any bits of clay or rough bits, just dab your finger into some water and smooth them out.
Once you’re happy, use a straw to create some holes where you can put your earrings.
Next, score the back of your rainbow in the middle. This will help the stand we’re about to create stick to the back.
Take another handful of clay, and mould this into a stand – make it triangular in shape and be sure the bottom sits flat with the surface you’re working on so it’s won’t wobble once it’s dry. I had to spend a bit of time on this step but it’s worth getting it right.
Score the back of the stand, and using some water, attach this to the back of the rainbow. Use some more water and a skewer (and more clay if you need) to fill in the gaps.
Leave overnight to dry. If you find after 24 hours it still isn’t dry the whole way through, you can put in your oven on very low heat (50 degrees celcius) for 10-15 minutes. Don’t leave it in there too long or it will crack!
Give a light sand to remove all the rough bits, and give a wipe with a dry cloth to remove any leftover bits of dust.
Now it’s time to decorate! I always start with a base layer of one part white acrylic paint one part PVA Glue to seal. This will help you get an opaque colour. Let dry completely, then start adding your colours, whatever you like! Once this is dry, you can then add some detail with gold paint.

First created for Create and Craft TV