They’ve been around since the 1800s and have been used for every thing from commemorating the newly built Eiffel Tower, surgical lamps, advertising, to celebrate holidays, even election campaigns – and judging by the number lining the shelves of tourist traps and gift stores, it’s safe to say the humble snow globe had lasted the test of time!
But as always, I think the prettiest ones are the ones made by hand – and are so easy and cheap to make! Most of the materials you’ll be able to find already lying around your house or you can find everything you need at Spotlight stores nation wide.
What you’ll need:
Mason Jar
Super strong glue
1. Make sure your mason jar is clean and dry. Then, using strong glue, glue in place your animals or ornaments. You can use just about anything! Just make sure it will fit in the jar, and is no wider than the lid. If you don’t want to use toys, think things like buddahs or flowers.
2. Wait till glue is 100% dry.
3. Pour a couple of tablespoons of glitter in the mason jar, you can also use foil confetti.
4. Fill to the very top with water – try to get as full as you can.
5. Carefully screw the lid on tight, (best to do this over a sink in case you have run off) and turn upside down. If you plan on keeping your snow globe for a while, put some glue into the lid as you screw it on.
6. Shazzah! Shake your snow globe and watch the glitter rain fall.
Also, I haven’t tried this, but I’ve heard that some glycerine in the water (which you should be able to buy from the chemist) will stop the glitter from clumping. If you have tried this, let me know how it worked for you!
Happy creating 🙂
I love this idea! Now to find some children so I have an excuse to make LOTS :-)…
I’m so lucky i have 6 nieces and nephews to trial my kiddy craft on MAS! But have also found my grown up friends love them too!!