If you’ve traveled to Thailand, there’s a good chance you’ve seen the fresh flower garlands hanging from the rearview mirror of a cab, in front of a shrine or being hawked at most busy traffic lights…
When I traveled South East Asia a few years ago I was struck by the beauty and intricate work that went into the fresh flower art – I was slightly agog when I found out how much time it took to create something that would wilt away in a few days.
Phuang Malai takes an incredible amount of skill (and patience) to create – crafted entirely from fresh, fragrant flowers (think jasmine, malic, rose, orchids and marigold), they are often given as offerings or kept for good luck, (or to prevent accidents – which explains why you see them in so many cabs!), or to show respect. I’ve always admired them, and on my travels wish I could’ve stuffed a few into my backpack, or at least bottled the scent.
So here’s the next best thing – and while this DIY version is missing the heavenly scent of Jasmin and Marigold, it’s a great mindful craft and a lovely way to bring colour into any room.
- Thick thread – around 1.5 metres and a thick needle
- A few different colours of crepe, I used 2 tones of purple and pink each, yellow and orange.
- Small white pom poms
- Florist tape
- Scissors
1. To create marigolds, take your crepe paper and cut off a section from the bottom that’s around 8cm long. Now, cut the folded edges so you have a pile of individual pieces of crepe, that are around 8 x 10cm. Gather about 5-8 of these, and using the long edge, start creasing back and forth. Now tie a piece of string around the middle, it doesn’t need to be too tight. Trim the ends into a rounded shape.
To make an orchid, cut a 10cm section off the bottom of your dark and light purple crepe. Now cut a petal shape out of the section, so you have around 15 or so petals. Make sure the grain of the crepe is running vertically up the petal when you cut it out. Gently stretch the crepe at the top of the petal. Place your thumb in the centre of the petal, and gently twist the end. Make 3 dark petals, for the centre, and 3 light purple petals.
Take 3 dark petals, and wrap with florist tape, making sure the petals are facing the same direction. Take the light purple petals, and place these around the open side of the darker petals. Wrap with florist tape. Make three of these, and also use these steps to create the pink orchids.
Take some thread, I found about a metre and a half was the right length, and tie a few knots in one end. Thread on two white pom pom, an orange marigold, two more pom poms, and a yellow marigold. From here, you can really choose any combination you like – once you get to the top, thread on around 8 more white pom poms, and start to thread back down the garland, until you get to the first yellow marigold. Here, you can thread on more white pom poms and an orange marigold.
And you’re done! What crafts have you been inspired by when travelling to Thailand?
This post is a collaboration with Tourism Authority of Thailand.
Visit www.amazingthailand.com.au for more information on your next visit to Thailand, or get inspired on Facebook or Instagram.