I’ve always loved the hours spent with my nieces and nephews, family friends, my girlfriends or even complete strangers crafting and creating.
But recently, I’ve been asked several times about WHY I do craft, and why it’s so important for children to learn it.
For me, craft and creativity has always been about escapism and expression. When I start a project, my mind is consumed with what materials would be best, what colours I’m going to use and the technicalities of how I’m going to do it. After a day of typing away at a computer, there’s nothing I love more than to come home and weave, stitch, sew, glue and paint.
Mum – who was an art teacher before she had us kids – always had us colouring, painting and sewing, and generally just encouraged to be creative. Art school projects were always much discussed and researched, and mum always pushed us to think outside the box. I truly believe the creativity that she fostered in has proved itself a gift that has served me well.
When I saw a report the other night about children learning to use an iPad from the age of 2, it got me thinking about the other consequences – sure, there are plenty of educational games on iPads and they are a fantastic distraction when you’re just trying to get the washing on, but if this is being used as a replacement for creative play, what are the consequences for things like creativity and fine motor skills?
According to Livestrong.com, there are many more benefits to getting your children to participate in arts and crafts then you might think.
Craft enables critical thinking skills, strengthens problem-solving abilities and stimulates imagination. Colouring, drawing cutting and clueing all require your child to develop fine motor co-ordination and use both their hands together, which is an important skill when it comes to learning how to tie shoes and even type.
Another skill I hadn’t considered is patience and self-control. There isn’t too much instant gratification when it comes to craft – you have to wait until things dry, or spend some time finishing something up, and there’s a good chance things won’t turn out like you hoped. But there is no wrong or right when it comes to craft, it’s all about using creativity.
I have so many people say to me, ‘oh, but I’m not crafty.’ But all you need to do so many crafts is a bit of time, a few materials and a good dash of creativity. Take a look around online, through books and Pinterest and you’re sure to find something that will suit your little ones.
Happy creating!